Frequently Asked Questions


There are several free online resources to help you including Map My Run


Think of your cheer squad captain as your main support person on the ground for event day. You will share with them where along the course you anticipate needing or wanting water or nutrition. They will also work to fulfill your wish list for whatever you have dreamed up to make My Perfect  Marathon truly your own. (And maybe add a few surprises of their own along the way!) 



Donate FAQs

Where should I mail donation checks?

Donations can be mailed to our post office box in Boston, MA:

GO2 for Lung Cancer
Attn: Events
PO Box 418372
Boston, MA 02241-8372

Please download and complete a donation form to accompany your check to ensure it gets allocated to your fundraising efforts.

Who should I make my check out to?

Please make all checks payable to: GO2 for Lung Cancer. Please make sure the event city name and who the donations should be credited to are listed in the memo line of the check.

How do I find a participant’s fundraising webpage?

Click on the 'Donate' tab above and type the first or last name of the participant or tribute page in the provided search fields.

How quickly can I expect an online donation to post to a participant’s fundraising account?

Any donation paid online with a credit card should post immediately. If an online donation does not post within 10-15 minutes, please email us or contact us at 202-463-2080 or 650.598.2857.

Are donations tax-deductible?

All monetary donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

For Canadian donations made online with a credit card, will the amount be shown in U.S. Dollars?

Yes. For Canadian donations made online with a credit card, the amount donated will be shown in U.S. Dollars and will be calculated based on the conversion rate at the time the donation is processed.

Do all donors who mail in their donations receive a receipt?

Any donor who mails in a gift of $10 or more, and provides an address, will receive a receipt via mail once the donation has been processed. If a donation is made in installments, you will receive a receipt each time a monthly payment is processed. If you do not receive your receipt, please email us or contact us at 202-463-2080 or 650.598.2857.

Do all donors who contribute online receive a receipt?

Yes, anyone who donates online and provides a valid email address, regardless of the amount of the gift, will receive a receipt via email.

What is GO2 for Lung Cancer’s TAX ID number?

A Tax ID number identifies GO2 for Lung Cancer as a 501(c)(3) non-profit Organization. The GO2 for Lung Cancer Tax ID number is 20-4417327.

How do I add a dedication when I make a donation?

When you make a donation online, you can designate what you want to appear as your recognition name on the participant's Honor Roll. This may be your name, or it could be something such as "From the Smith family." You can also include a private message that only the fundraiser will be able to see.


Fundraising FAQs

What do I do if a donor writes their donation check out to me, Venmo's me or hands me cash?

If you receive a donation in the form of a check written out to you, to your personal Venmo account, or if you are given cash for a donation, you have a few options to send the donation in to our offices:

GO2 for Lung Cancer PO Box:

    GO2 for Lung Cancer
    Attn: Events
    PO Box 418372
    Boston, MA 02241-8372

    Please download and complete a donation form to accompany any donations sent to us to ensure it gets allocated to your fundraising efforts.

How quickly can I expect an online donation to post to my page?

Any donation made online should post immediately. If your donation does not post within 10-15 minutes, please email us or contact us at 202-463-2080 or 650.598.2857.

Can I enter a check online?

Yes. You can enter the donation from a check online through your Fundraising Headquarters. Once entered, please mail the check to one of our offices listed below. Please note, the amount of the donation will not be reflected in your fundraising totals until the check is received by GO2 for Lung Cancer.

Donations can be mailed to our Boston post office box:

GO2 for Lung Cancer
Attn: Events
PO Box 418372
Boston, MA 02241-8372

Please download and complete a donation form to accompany your check to ensure it gets allocated to your fundraising efforts.

A donor is requesting a Tax ID number; what is that and how can I get it?

A Tax ID number identifies GO2 for Lung Cancer as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Many donors will request this number to validate their donation as tax-deductible. The GO2 for Lung Cancer Tax ID number is 20-4417327.

Not all of my donors are showing up in the Honor Roll; why?

As your donors make a contribution, they have the option of whether or not they want their name to appear in the Honor Roll and can be listed as ‘Anonymous' if they wish.

Where can I find a list of the people who have donated to me?

Log in to your Fundraising Headquarters, click on the 'Progress' tab to see a list of your donors and donations. If have a tribute page, you will also see a list of the donors to your tribute page listed.

How do I send a thank-you email to my donors?

To easily send thank-you emails to donors, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Fundraising Headquarters by completing the fields above at the top right
  2. Click on 'Send Email'
  3. Select the 'Thank You' email template and click 'Next'
  4. Update the email text to your liking and click' Next'
  5. Click 'Add Contact' to manually enter the donor name and email if they do not show up in your 'Available Contacts' list. 
  6. Review the Recipient List and once you are happy with the people the email will be sent to, click 'Next'
  7. Review the email and edit as necessary
  8. Send!

How do I update my fundraising goal?

  • Login to your Fundraising Headquarters
  • Click on the 'Progress' tab within your Fundraising Headquarters
  • Click on the small 'change' text beneath your current goal amount. 

If you have a tribute page, you will also have access to update the tribute page goal.

  • Stay on the Progress tab
  • Click on the 'Team' link to the right to refresh the page to show your team's progress
  • Click the small 'change' text below the current team goal to edit

How do I add a picture to my fundraising page?

Login to your Fundraising Headquarters and click the 'Personal Page' tab. Then, click the 'Photos/Video' link to the right to add a picture or video to your fundraising page.


Personal or Tribute or Team Page FAQs

What is my personal page URL?

A personal URL is a shortened link to your team or personal page that you can send to friends and family in emails or post on social media sites. A personal URL will look like this: To customize your URL, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Fundraising Headquarters
  2. Click on 'Personal Page'
  3. Click on 'URL Settings'
  4. Input your preferred ending to your URL
  5. Click 'Save'
  6. Share your new URL with your network!

Can I update my personal page so it is not searchable by the general public?

Yes. To do so, login to your Fundraising Headquarters and click on the 'Personal Page' tab. Select the 'URL Settings' and change your settings to 'Public' or 'Private' as desired. A 'Private' setting will make your name and fundraising page not searchable from the home page of the event. This will also remove your name from any top fundraising lists on the home page. 

Can a donor add a dedication message that appears in my fundraising honor roll?

When a donor makes a donation online, they can edit how their name appears on the fundraising honor roll. This may be the donor's name, or it could be something like "From the whole Wolf family" or "In Memory of Aunt Cathy". Donors can also send you a personal message that will appear with your donation in your Fundraising Headquarters. Only you can access this message.