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Sara Hsu was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2014. It was a devastating diagnosis, but fortunately she found Bonnie Addario and her lung cancer organization, which is now the GO2 organization. The GO2 folks and the Living Room sessions were of huge help to Sara and her family and provided support and hope. Because of all the recent research into lung cancer, she was able to live with lung cancer managed like a chronic condition for nine years. In the end she did not die from lung cancer progression, but from an uncommon condition caused by pneumonia, so in a way was still a lung cancer survivor.
Please donate to GO2 in memory of Sara Hsu-- we want others to be able to continue being able to live even with lung cancer.
Donor Honor Roll
Alisia Li
Amy and Dr. Min Tzeng
Ching Shieh
Da-Wun aand Wan Wan Chen
Dave Lou
Franklin Templeton Matching Gift - David Lou
Joe Chan
John and Julie Shi
Kuan Chen Yeh and Rey ChunHung Yeh
Linda Sun
Mei-mei Tsai
Nancy Loon
Rosalind Wang and Anderson Wang
Rosalyne Shieh
Sally Yen
Singhoi Lee
Song and Hann Huang
Soonja Viniegra
Tammy Yeh
Wen and Helen Young
Wen Ching
Wenling Hung
William and Mabel Lai
If you would like to make an offline donation in support of this individual, please click HERE to generate a donation form.
GO2 for Lung Cancer is the ‘go-to’ global force serving and advocating for the needs of the entire lung cancer community. Your donation will benefit much-needed innovative research, life-saving patient support services and federal advocacy programs through GO2. Click here to learn more.
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