Lori's GO2 Foundation Walk/Run Fundraising Page
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Hello Supporters!
I received a shocking stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis last year. Many of you have asked me how you can help. One way you can help at this time is to raise awareness about the fact that anyone with lungs can be diagnosed with lung cancer. It will happen to 1 in 16 of us, whether the person was a smoker or not. Because of smoking stigma, the level of support is much less than other cancers, even though lung cancer is the number one cancer killer and kills more people than the next three cancers combined. I didn’t know any of this. I sure do now.
Please consider joining me and my family on Hollywood Beach on:
February 11, 2023 @ 7:00 am EST
Start at North Beach Park for the boardwalk walk/run and stay for the popular kite fly on the beach. Bring the family and stay for the day; food trucks will be on site for the event! Participate in person or virtually for this year’s event to raise funds and awareness to increase lung cancer survival.
This diagnosis has changed my life but I won’t let it change me. I will continue to advocate for myself and for those who have less strength than I do. Breathing easier is the goal. Where there is life there is hope!
Help me support GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. The funds I raise will advance GO2 Foundation's mission to transform survivorship by improving the lives of those vulnerable, at risk, and diagnosed with lung cancer.
You can also join me on event day! Don’t miss this day of family fun as we come together to raise funding and awareness to transform survivorship and save lives. #BeatLungCancer

The Hollywood Walk/Run & Kite Fly is an athletic fundraising event raising awareness for lung cancer and funding the programs of GO2 for Lung Cancer.
GO2 for Lung Cancer is the ‘go-to’ global force serving and advocating for the needs of the entire lung cancer community.
If you prefer to mail in your gift in support of this individual, download a donation form here.
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